Sunday, November 5, 2017

Happy November!

I really mean it. Happy November! This week will mark 5 months post transplant for Porter. And, with the exception of his up and down white blood cell count (neutrophils), he is doing better than ever. He is continuing to eat, and with his birthday on the horizon next month, we are glad we aren't planning a low protein celebration.

Sunday feels. Shhh. Don't wake them.

We had a nice Halloween. Katie was Ariel and Porter was a tiger. The tiger stayed at home with Dad to handout treats and Katie and mom trick-or-treated around the neighborhood.

Is she Raggedy Ann, or Ariel?

1 comment:

  1. Sarah (and Chris) - After playing catch up through this blog I wanted to say hi and send my love. I know we don't talk much, but Sarah is one of my oldest friends and you both are some of the nicest people on earth. It pains me to see your family go through so much, but you are handling it beautifully and I am so glad to see that Porter is doing so well. (I am also sorry to hear about the passing of your father this summer.) My father and Daria are both working at The UVM Medical center right now, so you might see them in passing if you are up there for a check-up. *hugs*
